Remove the Need for Most Audits, Reviews, and Compilations
CPAs can now “prepare” financial statements for their clients, using their professional judgement that the reports are adequate for bankers and other third party use. This will reduce the cost of compliance with bank covenants by 50% or more.
Organizations like non-profits and churches, who would be financially burdened by a CPA style report before, can now provide CPA prepared financial statements to donors, members, and banks. Credibility and accountability will increase dramatically for these organizations.
“Financial Statement Preparation” is a Wisdom specialty.
Wisdom Over Wealth has been issuing these reports since they were first allowed.
Contact us for a complimentary consultation about how these reports can be used in your organization.
Bank Compliance is now Cheaper than Ever
For decades banks have demanded CPA-style financial statements from their borrowers. In the past CPAs have been hindered in helping the borrowers by rules and standards from the AICPA that made these engagements very expensive to conduct. Financial Statement Preparations have changed the rules, and Wisdom Over Wealth can partner with your church to cut the cost of bank compliance.
“Your reports were a critical factor in getting lenders to want to work with us.”
- Nathan Barber, Senior Pastor of Shorewood Baptist Church

Contact us for a complimentary consultation.